Thursday 16 February 2012

And The Award Goes To...

Yeahhhh..Yeahhhh..Yeahhhh... Yuuuuhuuuuu huuuuuuuuu... Haaaaahaaahaaaaaaa... Laaaaa laaaaaaaa laaaaa laaaaaaa... Aawwww wowwwww... Yeahhh Yeahhhhh... Hmmmmm Hmmmmmmm... Gaaaaaaaa gaaaaaaaa Gaaaaaaaa.. Hip Hip Hurrayyy... Yuuuuhuuuuu huuuuuuuuu...Yeahhhh..Yeahhhh..Yeahhhh...Laaaaa laaaaaaaa laaaaa laaaaaaa... Yahooo Yahoooo.. Gaaaaaaaa gaaaaaaaa Gaaaaaaaa..Aawwww wowwwww... Yeahhh Yeahhhhh... Hmmmmm Hmmmmmmm... Haaaaahaaahaaaaaaa...

Yeah I know you must be thinking that I have lost my senses and gone mad. But, all I want to say screaming at the top of my voice is that yeahhhhh you are absolutely right... Yuuuuhuuuuu huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu.. Laaaaa laaaaaaaa laaaaa laaaaaaa... I have gone mad as my happiness has no bound today. And why should I must be in senses huh??? After all I have a reason to be happy. 

Ya my happiness has no bound... I am feeling like the two wings have slowly emerged out of my back and I am flying high in sky in between the clouds, the twinkling stars are smiling looking at me, the naughty breeze is singing, the moon is showering the shining glitter paper pieces on me, the clouds are dancing and sky is also celebrating my happiness.

You must have already guessed it why am I so happy by my post title and award photo at the start of this post. Yessssss!!! you are right. I have received my first blog award and that too from my favorite blogger friend ♥●• İzdihër •●♥ . She has a lovely blog and have got a huge number of followers and she also has her pocket full of awards which she deserves completely. She writes about so many things which are going around her and her simple and very honest way of writing makes her unique and Lovable. You can visit her blog here. Thank you for remembering me and awarding me my first blog award Izdiher. I love you for this and will always remember you all my life as you are the first person who thought that I deserve an award. My *HUGS**KISSES*LOVE* for you :-)  

So now its my turn to forward this award to some of my blog friends who I think really deserves this. And the award goes to...

1) ~Moonlight~ - I-Topia :- She is a very sweet lady and her blog was the first blog I came across in Bloggers. When I visited her blog for the first time I was totally spell bound and enchanted too. So this sweet lady deserves this award completely. I explored so many new blogs which were truely fantabulous through her and I spent hours together in reading her entire blog in initial days when I started blogging . I am sure even she doesn't know this fact.:-P Thank you so much for being my inspiration:-)

2)  Mithlash - My Hope. :- Even he is new in blogging as I am and he writes poems about everything that he feels. It can be of sun, fog, rain , wind, earth, love, anything whatever strikes his attention. The flow with which he writes is amazing and the poems which he writes in Hindi are just breath taking. So deep so meaningful and they definitely pinches your heart and leaves you enchanted.

3) Krishnapriya- Scribbling Pad :- I randomly visited her blog one day and her blog has become my favorite . She writes some amazing fictional stories which takes such an unexpected turn at the end that your eyes pops out and mouth remain wide open. She also write poems which touches the strings of your heart. I have read her entire blog whenever I use to get time and ya I have read all the fictional stories she has written. 

4) Raj - A beautiful mind :- The name of this blog totally suits him as he really has a beautiful mind. A beautiful  creative mind which creates fictional stories which are so mind blowing. He also write about some recipes, movies or some informative things as well as he posts cartoon humors. He told me once that his dream is to write a book someday and I have put him a condition that I will be the first one to buy his book only if he will list my name in dedication section of his book. Well, he has accepted my condition too so now I am waiting for his book to publish and see my name in golden letters. (Kidding Raj). I heartly think you deserve this award:)

5) Elvirah- Life is an Art :- Whenever I visit this lovely girls blog I get a feel like I have landed in a fairy tale world. She write in such a mesmerizing way that you feel this world is a waste and you wish to be in a fairy tale world which is so full of life. All her posts are like a fantasy and it takes you to a drive of fantasy world and you never wish to come out of it ever. 

6) Akshay Kumar G - The Eternal Fighter, the Ultimate Comeback Kid! :- All I can see is that this is the award month for him. He has already received two awards this week and I think this is the third one which I am passing him.  I landed on his blog through Indiblogger on one of his post which was regarding cats. I was so much impressed by the love which he possess for animals. I too have immense love for cats and due to this mutual likes I followed his blog. He has got an awesome style of narration which makes reading his blog full of fun.

7)♫♪♥PhilO♥♪♫ - ♡♥♪ჱL!fe Thr()ugh My Eyes♡♥♪ჱ :- Well, this girl needs no introduction as she is so popular in bloggers world. She is like a little butterfly which leaves back its colour wherever it goes. She writes so amazingly at such a young age that people doubt about her real age. I am sure so many times she must have heard the same question by people that are you really 18??? And no wonder people asking her it as her matured writing will make anyone in the world feel so.

          So, friends now the funda is simple..Please pass this award to as many as you would like to. No rules, no boundaries, no restrictions just spread the love in the way you want to.. Stay Blessed :-)


  1. Oh Dhanyavadhagalu Sonia Avare :):)
    You just made my day Sonia. I'm so happy you thought of me, very much honored. Seriously I am not deserving of this award. You are being too kind. :)

  2. And congratulations to you for winning your very first of many blog awards. All the very best, Sonia. :)

  3. Nimagu award goskara koti koti Subhashayegalu Akshay Avare:)

    Thank You so much:)

  4. Congratulations!!!:) And to all recipients as well!:) Keep it up!:) Smile..:)

  5. Congratulations Sonia for winning the first award for your blog, you deserve it. And thank you dear for all the lovely words you wrote about me. I feel so grateful to you for considering me one among the nominees to pass on the award.:)

  6. Hey CONGRATULATIONS dear....and all the best for many-many more awards...

  7. CONGRATULATIONS, Sonia!!! My first award made me feel the exact same way! May you receive many more in the future! {|:) *hugs*

  8. Congratulations Sonia and thanks for passing on to my favorite bloggers...:)

  9. Hey sweetheart, Congratulation and Thank you so muchy much! :*
    And I being an inspiration for you, wow, This feels so special and means a lot. And you read my entire blog, you know what, I'm actually eloped with happiness. Hugs all the way and keep rockin' Darling. Stay blessed!
    Cheers :) >>:D<<

  10. Thank you everyone for the lovely words:)

  11. Congrats dear.. you deserve it! keep it up ;)

  12. Congratulations on getting the award :)
    Thank you so much for passing it on to me :) I'm glad you like my blog. Haha, ya. Many wonder about my age :D Though no, I'm not as mature as all of you assume me to be :P
    Thanks a ton once again :) I agree with akshay. You're too kind :P

  13. Well Sonia heartiest congratulation for the award :)Thank you so much for passing it on to me...Your thought about my blog was far from reality and I feel as far as my writing is concerned I am still in kindergarten who is learning the basic of writing by reading other senior bloggers and you are also one of them. I was not sure how to react after this and after reading other blogger comments, I decided to comment so sorry for being late.

    Keep rocking and keep writing:)

  14. @Mithlash: Der aaye par duroost aaye :-P Well, Your poems are really too good and I don't think so that you are from KG in poetic world.. Keep the good work:)

  15. ~!♡❀✯CONGRATULATIONS✯❀♡!~

  16. Many many congratulations on the award Sonia. You are a wonderful writer and I really enjoy your writing. And I expect to read more and more of your works. So keep writing. :)

    And thank you sooo much for the award and also for the wonderful write-up. It was soo wonderful and heartfelt and I am really humbled. :) You really made my day. :) And I certainly remember the condition and will definitely be in my mind if and when I write a book.

  17. Oh Waooo..thats a good news! You deserve many awards dear..and Izdihar is so sweet as well..
    All the best!

  18. Congrats on the award bit. :)

  19. Hello Sonia..I'm back..congratulations with your award and I'll add some more..kindly visit my site *hugs* ;)

  20. hi! congratulations..
    i follow you hope you could visit me here and follow me too..Wifey Online Diary
