Its said that "If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older"
The most beautiful phase in every individuals life is their childhood. No matter how old we become but these childhood memories are like a treasure which always remain with us throughout our life as a sweet smile. Even the mere thought of childhood gives us a tickle and takes us to the flashback of those sweet memories. So how many of them remember these ice candies in the above photo which were sold just outside your school and no matter how many warnings your mother gave you not to eat it, you always had that one rupee in your pocket to buy these icy cold candies.
Now just imagine, What if you get to re-live your entire childhood once again? Wouldn't that be awesome? But, is it really possible to re-live your childhood once again? If somebody would have asked me this question then my answer would be definitely a big Yes... I have no idea about others but Yes I have something with me, a treasure, a gift, hmmm a most precious gift that is for a life time gifted by my real Hero, My DAD :-)
My Dad has capsulated and insulated my entire childhood and its memories by capturing it in photos and making a album of it which will be with me till my last breath. Its my only pride possession which is very close to my heart and a most precious thing to me. Here, I am sharing some of the photos in this post.
During my childhood days there were no Digi-Cams by which u can take multiple number of pictures anytime. But the Kodak cameras were used with a roll which consisted a photographic film. Later these rolls were given to the studio and then the studio people would develop the photos out of the negatives generated from photographic films. Unlike digital cameras there were no technique which could be used to date the photo. So as you can see in these pictures my dad has made use of the date seal to date each and every photo taken. Date seal is something which had a date marks on it as shown in the picture. On adjusting the wheels the required date could be obtained and then this date stamp had to be tapped to the ink pad and then tap it back immediately to the required sheet of paper on which you need the date marked. In my case, Dad used the similar to mark the date on each photo.
After inserting the photos in the transparent pockets of the album, he has sealed the open end of the pocket by a transparent sticking tape so that the photos doesn't come in contact with moisture contents and last longer or say forever :-) Isn't it lovely?
What could be more exiting then seeing the way you have dressed up with your little school bag and water bottle on the first day of your school. Yes, my dad has taken this picture on the first day of my school. I still remember I had cried the whole day in school but later was completely happy as my dad took me to beach after my school and captured this photo of mine. How easily such little joys would make us forget our big pain with in fraction of seconds then.:)
Since I have been born and brought up in a coastal area going to the beach at evening, on every alternate days as a kid was a routine. After playing in the water for sometime we would move towards the kids park and then playing in the park on the kids amusement toys would be like I have got the happiness of the entire world. My dad's encouragement to make me try some other amusement toys which according to me were very gaint at that time, always went in vain. As I always liked to play the girly games which included swings, seesaw, marry go round or catching catch with other kids playing in the park.
And the most best moment of the day would be while getting back home as I would get a chance to visit all the ice-cream and toy stalls which were just outside the beach, making good business by kids like me. And the happiness after getting something from the stall would have no bound. My dad would love to capture such moment in the photo like he has done after he bought this hand-made hat for me and I was on the top of the world, laughing uncontrollably with joy.
I remember the day so well when me and my mom went for shopping along with my aunt and I had liked this green dress which I am wearing in this photo. My like for this green dress was only because it had some kinda golden accessory pinned at the chest and to me it looked so attractive that I felt that there could be no other dress as beautiful as that on this whole planet. My mom did not buy it and instead took some other dress for me and we returned back to home. I was sad and was still missing the dress. But, to my surprise my dad came home with the same dress which mom had not bought even after I had insisted so much. My eyes sparkled and I was on cloud 9 knowing that the most beautiful dress of the world was mine now. And it was also the day of my victory and I still remember so well, how I teased my mom by making animated actions with my one hand holding the dress in the other hand and dancing all around the room, screaming at the top of my voice. But i had wondered that day, how my dad got to know that I had liked that dress and brought it for me as he was not with us when I had went for shopping with mom and aunt. I still wonder even now about it, whether it was really a co-incidence or what was it, I still wonder :-)

As we know certain things never change with the age and one such thing in me is my love for cats. I love cats since I was a kid and I think this love is passed to me from my dad as he loved the cats too. Cats have always played an important role in my life since I was a kid. It has been my best friend from then till now with whom I have shared all my happiness, guilt, pain, worries or love and it has unconditionally loved me back too.
During my childhood days there were no Digi-Cams by which u can take multiple number of pictures anytime. But the Kodak cameras were used with a roll which consisted a photographic film. Later these rolls were given to the studio and then the studio people would develop the photos out of the negatives generated from photographic films. Unlike digital cameras there were no technique which could be used to date the photo. So as you can see in these pictures my dad has made use of the date seal to date each and every photo taken. Date seal is something which had a date marks on it as shown in the picture. On adjusting the wheels the required date could be obtained and then this date stamp had to be tapped to the ink pad and then tap it back immediately to the required sheet of paper on which you need the date marked. In my case, Dad used the similar to mark the date on each photo.
After inserting the photos in the transparent pockets of the album, he has sealed the open end of the pocket by a transparent sticking tape so that the photos doesn't come in contact with moisture contents and last longer or say forever :-) Isn't it lovely?
What could be more exiting then seeing the way you have dressed up with your little school bag and water bottle on the first day of your school. Yes, my dad has taken this picture on the first day of my school. I still remember I had cried the whole day in school but later was completely happy as my dad took me to beach after my school and captured this photo of mine. How easily such little joys would make us forget our big pain with in fraction of seconds then.:)

I remember the day so well when me and my mom went for shopping along with my aunt and I had liked this green dress which I am wearing in this photo. My like for this green dress was only because it had some kinda golden accessory pinned at the chest and to me it looked so attractive that I felt that there could be no other dress as beautiful as that on this whole planet. My mom did not buy it and instead took some other dress for me and we returned back to home. I was sad and was still missing the dress. But, to my surprise my dad came home with the same dress which mom had not bought even after I had insisted so much. My eyes sparkled and I was on cloud 9 knowing that the most beautiful dress of the world was mine now. And it was also the day of my victory and I still remember so well, how I teased my mom by making animated actions with my one hand holding the dress in the other hand and dancing all around the room, screaming at the top of my voice. But i had wondered that day, how my dad got to know that I had liked that dress and brought it for me as he was not with us when I had went for shopping with mom and aunt. I still wonder even now about it, whether it was really a co-incidence or what was it, I still wonder :-)

My dad passed away when I was 5 years old and along with that even me posing to the camera also stopped as no one else was interested to take my pictures after that. But even after almost 20 years, I can still feel his presence, his care, his affection, his love for his only princess through this gift of life time which he has created only for me. As much time me and my dad have spent together, is freezed in this album and will remain forever with me. This album not only connects me to my childhood but it also connects me to my dad :)
This post is specially written for The Kissan 100% Real Blogger Contest by indiblogger. You can see the post at indiblogger here.
Planning to go on a trip with Mummy if I win :)